Men’s Group

Men’s Group will be cancelled  Monday November 11, 2024 for Remberance Day

Men’s Group is a free open drop-in group and is facilitated by two experienced counsellors who will support men in respectfully managing the challenges they face in their relationships with others (e.g. their partners, ex-partners), their relationships with work (e.g. job stress, balancing work and family needs), and their relationship with themselves (e.g. self-criticism, discouragement). Suitable for men seeking a non-judgemental forum to deal with the pressures of everyday life. No referral necessary just a desire for positive change. Confidentiality is respected.

CVTS Mens’s Group

 Monday evenings from 7 – 8:30 at the Transition Society’s office: 625 England Ave. 

No registration necessary; men are welcome anytime.

For more information please call 250-897-0511

What people are saying about the Men’s Group

I have found the Men’s Group to be excellent and healing for my social and health issues and feel access to such a group an important part of men learning to discover a clearer vision of their issues and how they can relate much better to the people in their life and self.

I have been a member of the Men’s Group since the beginning. The counsellors have facilitated a safe, respectful and supportive environment for men. The support I have received in the group not only from the counsellors but also the shared experiences of other men has helped me through many stressful challenges.

The Men’s Group meetings on Monday evenings are now a regular, very important part of my week. Being new to the Valley this was a great way to meet honest, caring, and genuine people. The group has helped me to adapt to many recent life changes and being able to share my life experience with others has been welcomed.