Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Comox Valley Transition Society is pleased to announce another year of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Circle. This weekly gathering aims to provide a safe, supportive environment where grandparents can connect, share experiences, common challenges, and offer each other encouragement and support. It is also a place Grandparents can access valuable resources to help navigate the unique challenges of raising a second generation while in the retirement years.

As the number of grandparents stepping into the role of primary caregivers continues to rise, the need for dedicated support systems has never been greater. The 2016 Census tells us 250,000 children in Canada were living in households led by grandparents. In BC that number is estimated at 12,000. This number has likely increased in recent years due to various socio-economic factors, including the opioid crisis, domestic violence, pre mature deaths, health crisis and other issues.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren often face emotional, financial, and logistical challenges that can be overwhelming when stepping into parenting roles later in life. This is where CVTS hopes to provide some additional support.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren take place Mondays ( excepting holidays and summer break) from 10 am to 11:30 am at our office located on 625 England Avenue.

To inquire, register, or FMI please contact Stasia Hasumi 250.218.0393 or email us at

What people are saying about the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Circle

We have been fostering our grandson since he was 3 years old, and now have full custody of him. Throughout this time, we were working with the Ministry who told us about the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Circle. It has really helped us! People of our age, when you are raising a grandchild, you don’t have the same freedom most other people our age do: you can’t go out for dinner or do whatever you want whenever you want. Other people our age don’t have to worry about getting a sitter, or bringing a child everywhere they go. We felt like outsiders around people of our own age. Here, all these people are in the same boat as us, and we no longer feel alone. We are not the only ones. 

It is amazing how many grandparents are actually raising a grandchild, and it is great to share stories with other grandparents. When we first started, people shared a lot of advice with us. There are several people who come regularly, and we have made lasting friendships. Before COVID-19, we used to get together for lunch, but now we stay in touch over the phone. It has been amazing for us, and we look forward to having the group start up again, soon.


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Circle