COVID-19 and continued services at CVTS

May 28, 2020 | News

While we continue to navigate the shifting landscape of COVID-19 and our response to the needs of the community, Comox Valley Transition Society is committed to increasing our communications to ensure you are informed of the services available to you, and that you know what is happening with our organization. In mid March, CVTS responded […]

While we continue to navigate the shifting landscape of COVID-19 and our response to the needs of the community, Comox Valley Transition Society is committed to increasing our communications to ensure you are informed of the services available to you, and that you know what is happening with our organization.

In mid March, CVTS responded to the advice of the Provincial Health Officer, B.C.’s Premier and Canada’s Prime Minister by taking immediate action to do our part in helping #stopthespread of novel coronavirus. In the weeks that followed, we modified our work and implemented services with strict new measures to ensure people are staying safe, and that those who are most vulnerable in our community are still able to access services.

Currently, the downtown office remains closed to the public, and drop-in programs have been cancelled.

Counselling and support staff are available by telephone or video-conference. Please call our office at 250.897.0511 to book an appointment.

Lilli House is and will remain open and available for women and their children who are experiencing domestic abuse. We have implemented many, precautionary measures to make sure everyone at the house is kept healthy and safe.

Our 24-hour Crisis Line is open. If you or someone you know needs help, CALL 250.338.1227.

If you are unable to call, TEXT us at 250.218.4034.

The Connect Warming Centre is open seven days/week, from 10:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Strict measures are in place to ensure the safety of everyone who accesses the centre as well as staff.  It is closed daily between 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to allow everyone to access the community lunch so generously provided by St. George’s United Church.

Starting April 1st, the Connect Warming Centre program has expanded to include access to showers for people who are unsheltered. Thanks to the City of Courtenay, the Lewis Centre has re-opened for this specific purpose, and CVTS staff will be on site between the hours of 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Monday through Friday,providing towels and toiletries to people who are accessing this service.

Amethyst House is operational and we are accepting new clients.Access to residential substance use services is available through Comox Valley Mental health and Substance Use Services.

The Too Good To Be Threw Thrift Stores are closed, however the Puntledge Road location will re-open on June 1st with limited hoursand new safety measures for shoppers.

Throughout all of this, many people in the community have reached out to us, wanting to make donations and inquiring how they might be able to assist us. We are extremely thankful to have your support, and donations are welcome! We would gratefully accept the following items:

  • toiletries of all kinds
  • travel size toiletries
  • gently used, clean towels
  • hand sanitizer (large and small bottles)
  • diapers and feminine hygiene products
  • paper towels, Kleenex and toilet paper
  • small Ziploc baggies and garbage bags (all sizes)
  • pharmacy gift cards
  • grocery gift cards (+$25)
  • pre-packaged & non-perishable food items.

All donations may be dropped off at our downtown office at 625 England Avenue, Monday – Friday, between the hours of 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. We kindly ask that you please call ahead and make arrangements with staff for a time to drop off your donation. 

These are unprecedented times, and we are all facing big challenges. On behalf of the entire team at Comox Valley Transition Society, we thank you for your kindness, patience and generosity. Please stay safe, stay home (if you can) and remember: we are here for you.