16 Days of Activism

Nov 24, 2022 | Events, News

"It's Not Just" is the 2022 Government of Canada theme for this year's 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV). It reminds us of the injustice of GBV and brings attention to how it is dismissed and minimized. It also highlights that GBV is not a private issue, but a systemic cycle that we all have a role in eliminating.
"It's Not Just" is the 2022 Government of Canada theme for this year's 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV). It reminds us of the injustice of GBV and brings attention to how it is dismissed and minimized. It also highlights that GBV is not a private issue, but a systemic cycle that we all have a role in eliminating.

Ways to support

  1. Wear purple on November 25 to raise awareness of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
  2. Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages from November 25- December 10 to share the 16 Days campaign and learn about GBV.
  3. Use the 16 Days of Activism background for your virtual meetings. 
  4. Wear a white ribbon on December 6, National Day of Remembrance, to honour the victims of the Polytechnique Montreal tragedy and those that have lost their lives to GBV. 
  5. Take time on December 10, Human Rights Day, to read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  6. Become an ally – listen, believe, educate, speak out and intervene.